Monday 13 February 2012

David Alward Public and Personal Opinion

Mr. Alward and the Conservative government of New Brunswick have had a good term so far, having few very controversial topics. Alward himself is portrayed positively in almost all areas of the media except when the topic is fracking and shale gas. The news reports themselves don’t portray him negatively; however, there are several personal websites, blogs, and videos that are very hostile to him and everything that his government does. Even with the shale gas controversies, Alward and the conservatives still have a huge approval rating lead over the second place liberals as of December according to the Corporate Research Associates, which is impressive considering the huge attention and opposition the shale gas plan received. When speaking with protesters, he is very polite and takes the time to listen to them and answer their questions, no matter how hostile those questions are.

One thing that his government did that I really liked and agreed with was combining school districts. It will save money and take away many of the complexities of the school system by having fewer people making the decisions.

Personally, I think Mr. Alward is doing a good job as Premier, I just hope he can do more good things like combining districts before others won’t allow him to do anything to or for the province.

1 comment:

  1. A good overview, Brandon. How did you feel he responded to the issue of Shale gas when it was raised in the class?

